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Once the mentee has had some time to follow up on some of her plans, she will need to stop up and check how she is getting on. And after having completed the planned set-up tasks, she will want to take a retrospective look at the experiences she had to understand; where did she have successes, and where could she make adjustments?

Here the dimensions in focus are especially:


  • What am I able to do now?
  • What do I still need to get better at?


  • Understanding my limitations, my possibilities
  • Taking responsibility for my own learning
  • Finding driving questions and analogies
  • Seeking input from others


  • Understanding my learning strategies and how they affect my learning
  • Select & seek out resources available to me
  • Check my own progress


  • How did my approach change what I did?
  • Work on tasks with encouragement from others
  • Adapting what I do for future learning

This step aims to help the mentee keep track of what she is doing, how she is feeling and to self-evaluate and regulate. It also helps her develop awareness about herself and her learning, so she can adapt and adjust her strategies along the way.

The interchanging of Extension Meeting and the Application Phase can continue as long as necessary, but as transformation takes place, the mentees will through natural progression automatically become more independent, and the internalised processes will need less scaffolding. Until mastery has been achieved, the same tools can be used over and over again, and as confidence levels rise, the mentor can encourage the mentees to make more complex adaptations and changes to their different schemas.

The UPSIM concept suggests that activities and tasks should be saved from each session in order to revisit them and see progression throughout the phases. When one goal has been reached, the next goal can be set, and the process starts again. After a few mentorvention sessions, mentees should see a change in the way they go about their tasks, and their acquisitions will start to influence the development of their learner identities and personality.

Project: 2020-1-SE01-KA204-077915
This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
