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Help foreign-born women become their own success story by developing their learning-to-learn competence, and the ability to adjust and set their own learning goals and strategies


The UPSIM Mentorvention professional development resource is designed to facilitate training workshops for new UPSIM mentors. It presents, describes, and illustrates the theoretical foundations that lay behind successful integration of foreign-born women in the EU and what their needs and situations look like today.

The approach is structured around five dimensions of learning-to-learn competence and through practical hands-on steps and actions that can be used for “deep integration”. The aspiring UPSIM mentors will be introduced to:

  • a framework which supports foreign-born women in becoming successfully integrated
  • the theories on which successful integration can be founded
  • and the tools which support these processes and developments
TOOLKIT FOR MENTORS (Mentor training Platform Content)

This toolkit for mentors platform provides professionals within the "social integration of foreign-born women" context with resources that combine the development of transitional skills with learning-to-learn competence. This UPSIM Mentorvention training platform provides ready-to-use resources that can be taken straight to the women with whom they work. The tools are designed to introduce and guide professionals to focus on transitional processes, to help their clients' subsequent achievement of intrinsic motivation, the acquisition of necessary competences to complete an education, and the setting of career goals.

This learning zone for mentors includes a complete toolkit and framework for guiding foreign-born women through the implementation of the transformational processes, resulting in the attainment of higher levels of resilience and mastery of the learning-to-learn dimensions. The scaffolding from UPSIM mentors and the resources for self-directed learning will enable foreign-born women to not only become independent in their own language upgrade but also become more adept at tackling responsibilities and overcoming challenges pertaining to their own upskilling processes.

For a more detailed understanding of the concept, you are advised to read the handbook for mentors.


The UPSIM Mentorvention Cycle consists of four phases:

Project: 2020-1-SE01-KA204-077915
This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
